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TianMu VS on win-win cooperation
The development has been the common theme is that we advocate, as a domestic and foreign enterprises and providing support for the product mold manufacturer, the customer's respect is the greatest asset we possess, customer satisfaction derived from understanding customer needs, only when our service beyond customer expectations in order to achieve the development of win-win situation.
Only when the customer share the same vocabulary in order to share ideas with each other. Therefore, the Japanese-chang will be covered by Lofus Notes Database in the form of interaction, to accelerate the speed of information exchange within the group, and adopt a common service process type, to integrate services within the community, 100% to win the hearts of each customer is not possible to , but we should continue the attempt, experience has enabled observation of Dow with the new thinking point of view, based on each customer understanding, and they do one to one communication, and thus get a new perspective on the market.
We have proposed Customer Ownership (client ownership) concept, in order to change modes of cooperation with customers, to customers keen insight to guide product is the driving force behind the interest points. Know your customer, customer service, increase product added value, the adoption of such strategies in order to ensure that day-chang in the industry's leading most popular.

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